BAND-MAID – Unleash !!!!! – New Single & Anime Music Video

BAND-MAID have released their new single “Unleash !!!!!” (with 5 exclamation marks), the title track from their upcoming EP to be released on September 21st.


The song itself is a fast paced rocking song that pretty much is typical BAND-MAID at this point, but that’s not a bad thing at all, this song ROCKS ! Anyone familiar with BAND-MAID’s works as of late will be right at home with this song.


One of the big talking points surrounding this song before the release was the knowledge that BAND-MAID were going to be releasing an anime style music video to accompany the song. And the music video definitely does the band justice in anime form. The video features slick and fluid animation blended with live action shots of the band too, absolutely worth checking out on YouTube.

The link to watch the video is here :


“Unleash !!!!!” is another fantastic track from BAND-MAID, one of a few bands that I call “consistent” bands, which are bands that consistently release high quality content.

The song will be available on streaming services at midnight in your country

BAND-MAID also have a special campaign running here :

You can follow BAND-MAID on Twitter here :

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